Wednesday, March 14, 2012

21 Jump Street Movie Review

21 Jump Street

Directors: Phil Lord and Chris Miller
Starring: Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Ice Cube, Brie Larson, and Dave Franco

When you think of Jonah Hill what comes to mind? For most it’s the crude and hilarious chubby guy who hit his first serious break in Moneyball opposite Brad Pitt this Oscar season. What about Channing Tatum? What comes to mind? Probably the model turned actor who often gets type casted as the perfect man in romantic comedies or dramas. Then why the hell would anyone want to team these two up together?

Perhaps because the two directors who did it are genius... literally.

In attempt to reboot the TV series from the late 80’s, Co-Directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller had a better idea. Re-imagine the whole damn thing, and make their own masterpiece. Channing Tatum gets a break at his first leading comedic role, and even outshines the experienced Jonah Hill in this reboot of 21 Jump Street. Who knew two actors from opposite ends of the acting spectrum could have such great on camera chemistry. This is certainly the biggest surprise comedy of the 2012, and it sits up on the shelf next to The Hangover for best “Bro Comedies”.

Hill plays Schmidt, a once bullied high school nerd who joins the police force years after high school to toughen up. Tatum plays Jenko, one of Schmidt’s bullies who later join the police force because muscle and power is all he knows. It’s during the police academy where these two meet again, and soon after become great friends who help each other graduate from the academy. Once they graduate, the now partners find that being an officer of the law wasn’t what they expected (especially when you have to chase criminals in a park on a bicycle). After a mishap during an arrest, both partners are moved to a secret precinct known as 21 Jump Street. Jump Street is run by the trash talking Chief (Ice Cube), who puts them on an undercover mission as high school students. From here this is where scenes get raunchy and laugh out loud as Schmidt and Jenko try to relive their high school years (Scenes of Jonah Hill dressed up like Peter Pan are hysterical).

Although Hill and Tatum consistently steal the scene throughout the movie, other notable performances help make this movie a well paced time-bomb comedy. Ice Cube is great as Captain Dickson, and Caroline Aaron is hilarious as Hill’s on screen mother Annie Schmidt. (SPOILER ALERT) You also get an unexpected cameo from Johnny Depp who reveals himself near the climax of the film disguised as an older biker.

I don’t think of enough can be said about 21 Jump Street. It’s a MUST SEE theater watch, and it leaves you wanting even more at the very end of the film. Lucky for you, it’s already been confirmed that there will be a sequel being made by the same directors and writers.

8 out of 10