Thursday, July 28, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger Review

Captain America: The First Avenger

Director: Joe Johnston
Stars: Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving, and Tommy Lee Jones

The Human Torch, a Marvel hero, is cast as another Marvel hero. COMIC BOOK Violation. You can’t have the same actor play two heroes that are in the same universe. You might say well Ryan Reynolds played Green Lantern, and played Deadpool in Wolverine. This is correct but each character is a from a different universe. One being DC and the other, Marvel. So when I heard that Chris Evans, who played the Human Torch was going to play another Marvel hero in this summer’s Captain America, I was scared. Well, more doubtful of the movie’s success. The Human Torch fit Chris Evan’s personality to a T, and Captain America was a lot different. Captain America was a simple, subtle, and emotionally strong hero.

12:00 am hit, and the movie began. Now was my chance to judge whether not Captain America: The First Avenger was a Comic Book Violation or an exception to the rule. First, it was quite odd what they did to Chris Evan’s physique to make him a foot shorter, and 75 pounds smaller. However, it wasn’t done terribly and never distracted me from the storyboard of the film. As the film went on, you become empathetic to Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) and his situation. Always wanting to be the man that any other could be, but always falling short to difference. Until he’s given the chance to be in the army, but Stanley Tucci’s character. After that, our zero is used in an experiment that terms him into our hero. It’s then when we get to see all the work that Chris Evans put into his body as he was preparing for this role.

Captain America is born!

The film kept us with plenty of storyline to leave us feeling like we are a part of some grand story unraveling. Great lines from Tommy Lee Jones gives the movie that slight comedic edge that any winning formula needs. Especially the line about giving a kiss when Captain is about to jump onto a large plane starting to take off for New York City. Plus, let’s not forget about Hugo Weaving who plays Red Skull. Without a great actor to portray the villain we wouldn’t have a movie (think of Heath Ledger in “The Dark Knight”).

By the film’s closing, when Captain America leaves his leading lady with a promise for a dinner. You realize just how much of actor Chris Evans has become. From “Not Another Teen Movie” to Captain America. Captain America did what it needed. After two failed attempts from Hulk movie launches, Marvel needed to start building the momentum toward the Avengers movie that comes out next summer. With Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, and now Captain America they have a whole lot of steam. The preview they have of a The Avenger at the end of the credits keeps you assured too.

7.5 out of 10

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