Saturday, March 19, 2011

Limitless Review


Starring: Bradley Cooper, Robert DeNiro, and Abbie Cornish

Director: Neil Burger

Usually when you talk movies, you are talking performances, whether good or bad from an actor or actress. I have yet to see a movie where I am not talking about that exact thing, until now. That wasn’t to say that Bradley Cooper’s or Robert DeNiro’s performance wasn’t admirable, but the idea behind LIMITLESS was much more appealing. In a movie where Bradley Cooper was the main character, the concept was actually the leading role and it carried the movie to the very satisfying end.

Bradley Cooper is Eddie Morra, a stagnant writer who struggles to find a way out of rut that he’s got his life into. Until he meets his ex brother in law who opens his world to a drug that allows him to access 100% of his brainpower rather than just 20. Through many twists, and turns in the story as well as an excellent supporting performance from DeNiro as Carl Van Loon, Eddie Morra realizes that he can’t keep living until the next fix (SPOILER ALERT: Even getting so desperate that he drinks a dead man’s blood to get the drug into his system).

People could say that this movie aligns directly with drug addiction and they’d be right. But the visual effects make this one hit that you want to stay on again and again. I’m not promoting drugs, but I am promoting this visual ride that you won’t regret as we head into the summer movie line-ups. LIMITLESS is just that, a no holds bar on anything you thought about action, and intelligence. Plus who knew that Bradley Cooper could hold his own so well as a leading man.

6.5 out of 10

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