Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Paul Review


Directed by: Nick Frost, Simon Pegg
Starring: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Seth Rogen, Kristen Wiig, and Jason Bateman.

Have you loved seeing Seth Rogen as your friendly neighborhood stoner? The actor who will not disappoint you when it comes to at least toking up once in every movie that stars him (besides Funny People, but lets be honest it was his first movie after dropping like 30 pounds). Well then meet Seth Rogen as a rude, foul mouthed alien who smokes a little bud in Paul. I personally love Seth Rogen’s movies, so I was going to see this eventually one way or another, but I decided to check it out on the big screen instead of Red Box.

The movie is about two nerds from the UK, who decided to take an American road trip to visit all the famous alien landing sites, but before that it was a quick stop to Comic Con. And that’s where our story begins. Along the way while driving to all their destinations, they come encounter with Paul (Seth Rogen) who is escaping from Area 51, when he finds out that he was going to be killed and used for stem cell research. After much reluctance and pant pissing, the two nerds played by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) eventually agree to help out a desperate alien in need. Through this crazy ride, they meet Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, and Jason Bateman.

This movie is the perfect movie for nerds and geeks. Star Trek, Star Wars, ET, Men In Black, and just about any other sci-fi movie you can think of. However its hard to grip if you aren’t big into any of these movies, or can’t really grasp British humor. And for those people, Seth Rogen’s performance will carry you to the very end as he delivers that American comedic touch that keeps you familiar with the movie. By the way you have to love the Jesus Girl gone Dirty played by Kristen Wiig, and the want to be FBI agent performance by Bill Hader.

The movie was strong in many aspects, but lacked a strong story line. Also the comedy was strong but inconsistent at times, and lagged through parts of the movie. Comedy is never perfection, and this movie isn’t any different. But you will have a great time regardless! Paul is worth the money for the movie, and if not, definitely a Red Box rental.

6 out of 10

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